Suggest an LMS or SSO integration

Suggest an LMS or SSO integration

We love to hear from teachers. Send us your thoughts here.

If you're on a paid account, reach out to your Literal Coach.
    • Related Articles

    • Literal Integrations

      Literal offers integrations with Google Classrooms and Clever. Effortlessly upload your classrooms and add students to Literal. If you want to request a new integration, please reach out to Literal here.
    • Suggest a feature

      We love to hear from teachers and other education leaders. Send us your thoughts here. If you're on a paid account, reach out to your Literal Coach.
    • Add a student without LMS or SSO integration

      You can invite students using a code, or you can invite them via email.
    • Requesting a book

      You can request a book by: 1. Logging into 2. Access the "Search" option 3. Enter the title needed 4. Locate the title in the results 5. Click on "request book" in the search results
    • Create classes using Clever

      Reach out to us for help using the Clever integration. Or use our Submit a ticket or Live chat features as needed.